Ultra●Post® IV offers a variety of options; for more information on these options please contact your sales representative.
• Traffic Flow Sensors (People Counting Sensors)
• Digital Remote Alarm
• LDM and UltraLink®
• Ranger receivers
• Satellite receivers
Power Supply (Switched Mode
Primary Input ……………………….. 100-120Vac or 220-240Vac @ 50–60Hz
Primary Power Fuse …………… 2.5A, 250V, 5×20, slow-blow, hi-breakage
Current Draw …………………………….. 2.0A peak
Input Power ………………………………….. <180W Transmitter (Switched Mode Transmitter)
Outputs ……………………… 1 port (two antennas, multiplexed)
Operating Frequency ……………. 58kHz (±200Hz)
Transmit Burst Duration ……………………… 1.6ms
Transmit Current …………………………. 16A peak
Burst Repetition Rate:
Based on 50Hz ac ……………….. 37.5Hz (Normal)
75Hz (Validation)
Based on 60Hz ac ………………….. 45Hz (Normal)
90Hz (Validation)
Transmit Coil Resistance ……….. 1.6 ohms (±5%)
Product Codes
ZS1012-P ……………… UP4 Primary Antenna Non-EU (Single)
ZS1012-S ……………… UP4 Secondary Antenna Non-EU
ZPUE-PEDMTG ………… Hilte Bolt Mounting Kit
ZA1012-1 ……………… UP4 Single System Non-EU
ZPUP-PEOPLECNTR…… UP4 People Counting Kit