Sensormatic Theft Deterrence System

Controlling shoplifting and maintaining an aesthetically pleasing shopping environment is critical to the success of independent retail businesses. Tyco Retail Solutions’ Essentials solution features the fundamental Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) components necessary for the value conscious retailer addressing shoplifting, while preserving their bottom-line.

An EAS system is a critical component in the fight against theft. Each piece of the system must protect your merchandise, and the entire system must work together to ensure operations are not slowed down, associates are not stressed, and customers have a seamless shopping experience.

Our comprehensive line of EAS solutions have you covered. We offer EAS systems in Acousto-Magnetic (AM), Radio Frequency (RF), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies in a wide range of configurations and installation options, as well as different price points. Even better, we can deliver every element of your EAS system. The result? You can be confident you have the right system to solve your most challenging problems.  Call us today to discuss the solutions that we can provide to you to reduce the theft occurrence.